Friday, December 28, 2012

Pics or it didn't happen!

As promised, here are some pictures of my Skaven army as they stand.

I have one unit of 20 Plague Monks, two units of 20 Clanrats each, and 2 Rat Ogres, their handlers, and a pack of Giant Rats and their handler.

Plague Monks, armed with swords.
The Plague Monks fit together into rank and file pretty easily.  When I put these together, I didn't really pay attention to how they were going to fit together as a unit.  As such, you can really see where I did not plan how the models would fit together with my Clanrats.

Two Rat Ogres and their handlers.

Clanrats with spears and shields.
 The spear-wielding Clanrats sort of fit together in rank and file.

Clanrats with swords and shields.
The Clanrats with swords do not, however.

Such are the mistakes of a first time builder.  In the future, I may buy a unit to replace these, and will take more care to make sure they fit together as a unit.

On another note, I received a rather amazing set of tools and supplies for model making and painting for Christmas!  I was really floored by the thought put into some of the gifts.  I will have pics of them, and my new workspace (once I get it cleared in the basement!)

One final note, here are some Clanrats and Giant Rats painted by my friend Brian, for a Mordheim Warband.  He was generous and gave me his warband as a birthday present a few years back.  I have been playing with half of them (not pictured) and these are the ones not currently in my warband.
I know I won't be this good on my first attempt at painting, but this is what I'm shooting for.

Clanrats and Giant Rats.

Stay tuned!