Friday, December 28, 2012

Pics or it didn't happen!

As promised, here are some pictures of my Skaven army as they stand.

I have one unit of 20 Plague Monks, two units of 20 Clanrats each, and 2 Rat Ogres, their handlers, and a pack of Giant Rats and their handler.

Plague Monks, armed with swords.
The Plague Monks fit together into rank and file pretty easily.  When I put these together, I didn't really pay attention to how they were going to fit together as a unit.  As such, you can really see where I did not plan how the models would fit together with my Clanrats.

Two Rat Ogres and their handlers.

Clanrats with spears and shields.
 The spear-wielding Clanrats sort of fit together in rank and file.

Clanrats with swords and shields.
The Clanrats with swords do not, however.

Such are the mistakes of a first time builder.  In the future, I may buy a unit to replace these, and will take more care to make sure they fit together as a unit.

On another note, I received a rather amazing set of tools and supplies for model making and painting for Christmas!  I was really floored by the thought put into some of the gifts.  I will have pics of them, and my new workspace (once I get it cleared in the basement!)

One final note, here are some Clanrats and Giant Rats painted by my friend Brian, for a Mordheim Warband.  He was generous and gave me his warband as a birthday present a few years back.  I have been playing with half of them (not pictured) and these are the ones not currently in my warband.
I know I won't be this good on my first attempt at painting, but this is what I'm shooting for.

Clanrats and Giant Rats.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

On winter, and painting

So, anyone who knows me in real space, knows that I like to make projects.  I like designing things, and I like making things.  Trouble is, I tend to start projects and then they sit unfinished.  Or they never get beyond design stage.

I am going to set myself a goal.  I want to finish at least one of my projects this winter:  painting my Skaven army for Warhammer Fantasy.

I've had the army box for some time, it was a gift from several of my friends, (to whom I am eternally thankful!) and it took me about two years to get around to gluing the models together.  I figure that winter is the perfect time to paint them and set up movement trays.
I found a neat tutorial online here to create movement trays from styrene sheet (Plasticard) and leftover sprues from the models.  I just need to make sure I didn't throw out the sprues after I put the models together! XD
As far as color scheme goes, I think purple and yellow would be cool, they are complementary, and rarely used.

My goal is to get them painted by the end of winter, so I have about three months.

Pictures will come in a later post.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

This is a notice, this blog will come back, and I will start updating again.  In the mean-time, check out some of my friend's blogs.
Links are on the right!