Tuesday, November 27, 2012

On winter, and painting

So, anyone who knows me in real space, knows that I like to make projects.  I like designing things, and I like making things.  Trouble is, I tend to start projects and then they sit unfinished.  Or they never get beyond design stage.

I am going to set myself a goal.  I want to finish at least one of my projects this winter:  painting my Skaven army for Warhammer Fantasy.

I've had the army box for some time, it was a gift from several of my friends, (to whom I am eternally thankful!) and it took me about two years to get around to gluing the models together.  I figure that winter is the perfect time to paint them and set up movement trays.
I found a neat tutorial online here to create movement trays from styrene sheet (Plasticard) and leftover sprues from the models.  I just need to make sure I didn't throw out the sprues after I put the models together! XD
As far as color scheme goes, I think purple and yellow would be cool, they are complementary, and rarely used.

My goal is to get them painted by the end of winter, so I have about three months.

Pictures will come in a later post.

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